Join us Feb. 21 – 23 for the 2019 Midwinter Meeting Enjoy our world-class city of Chicago while you learn from the leaders in dental education. Choose from more than 200 courses, including valuable hands-on workshops, lectures and live patient demonstrations. Be sure...
Welcome to the 38th International Dental Show – 12th to 16th March 2019. Forward-looking innovations, countless new products, exciting live demonstrations and practical hands-on – the unique show for the entire dental industry presents the most important...
Congreso Bienal COEM Los próximos 8 y 9 de febrero de 2019 celebramos la cuarta edición de nuestro congreso bienal. Próximamente se anunciarán los ponentes y programa. Kinépolis Madrid volverá a ser el escenario elegido para reunir en Madrid, en un evento único...
October 25-27 2018 Prague, Czech Republic Theme: Excellence in dentistry with optimal care. Glimpses of Past Conference: Conference Series welcomes every one of the members over the globe to attend the Euro Dentistry Congress (Euro Dentistry-2018) going to schedule...
Participa y Gana! Promoción de Marzo Abril 2018 . Subscríbete a nuestra comunidad AreaDent para optar por una tijerada sutura Softouch de Laschal® cortesía de 3D Dental® -Haz cLick en SUBSCRIBETE HOY, ingresa tus datos: nombre, apellido, correo electrónico, area de...